Life of Mr.#2 Lemme introduce to my family

Lemme introduce to my family 

Like every family mine too has 4 members (incl. Me) 

Father, mother, brother, me.

I'll explain my family one by one per post. 

first let's start with my father.

My father is born in Sri Lanka along with two sisters and one big brother. My father's father (AKA Grandfather) family all together migrated to India due to civil war in Sri Lanka. My father was about 11 when they migrated to India. Then they all settled in karaikal. My grandfather was running a taxi company in Sri Lanka. But the cars all confiscated by customs because we didn't had permit. My grandfather then opened a bicycle shop which he lend to tourists. 

My father was the youngest among his brother and sisters. He and his brother and sisters were enrolled in St. Mary secondary school. He studied there upto 12th standard. Then went to college and then went to college. Just like an good person he graduated and got an job at Ongc (Oil and Natural gas corporation). Now he's currently in his 50's or something. 

we have a peculiar tradition in our family we don't celebrate birthdays. I asked father a several times why we can't celebrate birthdays his reply was some time varies but the concept is always the same 

"All utter waste"

After years now I realize what he said might be true. 

I'll point out why it's waste to celebrate birthdays as per my opinion :

  • Why waste money on cake we can use that to buy anything necessary (or give it to person in need)
  • When its other person's birthday they tell us to bring presents and they tell what they want as presents. A present is supposed to be surprising not like Amazon to order materials as presents.  
  • Wastefully spending money on decorations and polluting my not correctly recycling it. 
  • Besides none remembers Birthday these days cept few.

However there are some exceptions 

If you have your own money celebrate asuch as you want. 

a birthday in our home passes like this:

You wake up, brush your teeth and take a shower, drink tea and get first wishes from your family and get bombarded with wishing phone calls. And follow the daily routine. My family makes something special for lunch after eating the normal routine is again followed until it's night and eat dinner (or go to sleep with empty stomach it doesn't matter) and sleep peacefully. 

But the good thing about my birthdays are 

I won't get beatings and scolding from my family and since we don't celebrate we sometimes forget its someone's birthday.

Woah I typed very long . I'm closing the door upto now. I'll write some more in next post.

Life of Mr. By Mr. 


  1. I've made only an typing error in under the exceptions I have typed "asuch" it is "as much"
    I'm sorry for that error


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