Life of Mr. #8 P2 admission day

 Life of Mr. 

I didn't even thought I'd be writing a part two of a daily post series. 

Take time to understand that ☝

At the D-Day or A-Day the admission day arrived. I didn't got enough sleep but managed get up early that day. I'm known In my family as a foodie (a decent way to describe "Glutton"). For that day alone I turned up notifications for whatsapp. Whenever we download any app we always disable notifications because it's notifications sound irritate every time when it goes off. Since we had a noble cause we gave notifications for whatsapp. After hardly 2 minutes it started irritating me. I stayed calm only for admission. Soon they sent google meet link for the other class students. I waited in the meantime my best friend Y  (AKA known as Spidey in this blog. This Riniep is managed by friends together.) He started to ask me only one question but in various ways. 
  • Dude did google meet started?
  • Are you inside google meet? 
  • Plz tell me when you are inside? 
I  just messaged him
  • Just wait.
  • I'm still waiting outside.
After about half an hour they finished admission for the other class students and they took a ten minute break. While we all sat patiently waiting. When they sent the link I quickly entered in the waiting room then after a minute I was admitted inside the meet. 

I started to feel total nervous. There were only three people inside the meet. The principal, vice principal and me. He asked me
  • He asked me what my name was? 
  • What group I want? 
  • Why do you want that group?
I answered my name. I told I wanted bio-Maths . Then I lied to everyone (incl. Mother who was holding the phone) that I want to become a cardiologist. The principal told you can study that in pure science but I insisted that I'll take Bio-Maths and he gave me that group. 

I'm happy despite I did badly in exams I got that group. Then I asked others what they got. All of them got Bio-Maths except "Newsbug" he took the second group "Computer science". I went to father to tell this news. I told him and he got worried. Because he had a colleague who was working with him. His colleague's friend is jobless after choosing Bio-Maths. He told me to change to engineering because there are variety of courses in engineering and if I choose bio maths I can only become a doctor. 

Then an family meeting was arranged immediately and mother and father argued what I should pursue. They even asked me in turns what will you choose? I told them "I don't know " that is a phrase which I can always use to snake out every problem. Then after arguing mother won which means I'm taking Bio-Maths. 

After what father said Now I'm thinking I should study engineering too. 

Thank you and peace 
