life of Mr. #4

I truly don't want to mention him. 

He is my brother 🤮🤮. Born on August, 2000(lucky idiot). I always hated him because he is and still an irritating person. There is still a lot of enmity on him. He takes away my things if it is good when we receive the same thing he won't steal mine but when the material becomes broken he will steal it from me or abduct from me. Though I hate him I have to write about him. Our enmity started when we were small children. Father recorded it because it was cute when we fight but now when we fight he only gets angry. Anyhow, we were made to sit on the bed with different shirt and different pants but not different shoes. Idiot he tried to abduct that shoes from me. He already has the same pair of shoes then why did he have to abduct mine??
He studied well in SRVS higher secondary school  but mother says he started to degrade in studies when he was joined in my school.  I love my school I don't care what they tell about my school. Our enmity didn't even degrade but it only grew more throughout the years. When he failed in maths exam I was happy to see him getting beaten and scolded when he again failed oh those were the most greatest happiest days. The he somehow finished school and currently in college. 

Our mind works in different ways don't they?

One day you will be affectionate towards everyone then the next day you hate everyone. Everyone just rethink your life. Upto teenage your parents are heroes then at teenage they are our adversary then at the old age we need to remember who were they. Many of the time I think myself  how he can be my brother. But when I rethink my life I ask myself "why are we still living?"  the parents choose our life all for what just to save their pride and fame. Even my mother too gave me only two choices doctor or engineer no choices than that. But aren't we supposed to make our life? 

If anyone reading this I perfectly tell you this 


If you ask them they will give you a long lecture but In my home, I got a Mike Tyson style punch in my face(my mother hit me on top of that. I cannot believe that an woman punched me in the face and left a tiny scar.) I'm left with a tiny scar near my eye.  So I make that suggestion for your own health. You seriously can't do anything about it other than to convince them.

But few brave persons who are steady in their path can make their parents to convince them. So be brave in your path. And Be careful about your path. 

So on returning to him he has accomplished nothing in his life Cept taking nearly centum in college exams. 

That's all I can say about him because he is an boring person or I don't want to mention about him. 

Thank you and peace 

Life of Mr.
