Life Of Mr. #8 P1 admission day

 Life Of Mr

IK(i know)  any of us didn't posted anything in a few days and I ask sorry for that. 

I'll tell you what happened when I didn't posted any LOMR. 

For better understanding please read "what happened to me when corona hit the world "

I was just chilling in house, about 1pm in afternoon a message arrived at school whatsapp group. They decided to start admission for next class tomorrow!!

Usually they'll inform it a week before starting. Everyone in Riniep got perplexed on which group they will get. Because since it was corona time we copied in every exam. And when they kept offline exam majority of class failed In the exams. My heart started to conduct F1 with blood. By which mean I felt fearing- energetic ( it is an intermediate state in which we do heavy work to reduce the stress and anxiety I don't know about others but this happens to me when I have something important it can be a job or a thing etc.)

And another aspect of the admission is that you should get the first two groups to gain the normal respect. The first two groups are known as A1 and A2. A1 students study Bio-Maths and A2 students study Computer science. 

If you got bio maths take it without choosing (but think before choosing) . Because it is a hard group to get. And it everyone which immediately respects you because students studying in this group has become doctors or surgeons. 

In parents perspective we are a good quality final thing ( call it material or object it doesn't matter) which took many years to chisel the brain only to study (moral values) and so much of money which is invested in us for everything ( study material, time, other useless things like mobile, laptop, etc. Which I don't have any of those). We are used by our parents to boast about us to other children's parents.  I HATE BOASTING ABOUT ANYTHING TO ANYONE. if you are caught by any boasting parents you're dead. 

They will boast and go boasting to others but your parents will beat you for not getting good group. IK it's our fault but that doesn't mean you can beat us whenever someone boast about their son/daughter. 

The other group is A2 which is computer science which people study to become engineer. Back in our father times engineer was considered to be the greatest degree ever had. But now it's just common degree everyone should compulsory have. A2 is an OK type of group in which you will receive the normal amount of respect which you already been receiving throughout every year. It will look as a good group at the outside but after finishing Engineering you will think why we studied this. Guinness book of world records has rated Engineering as the hardest degree to ever study but since we are tamilzhans (tamil native persons) we choose the hardcore degree and shown our excellence in it. But we are not the only ones to show in it.  The whole India has been showcasing much higher grades In every degree. 

I already mentioned it is a hard degree and rare to get job. There are many types of engineering and everyone engineer get job after doing a secondary degree. Some legends even pursue a third degree. That's total hardcore. 

 To my consent I perfectly tell this is one of the most written post to me. I'm stopping here. Don't worry I'll write another one. 

LOMR #8 P2 

What I got 
what others got. 
 Family fights to degree. 

Thank you and peace 
