Life of Mr. #5 friends and a dream

friends and a dream 

everyone in my class saw me as an person who is mentally affected. so many of my friends just pushed me away from me. I don't know why maybe because being friends with some stupid who has mental issues would hurt their fame[i don't even know they had fame]. I soon few persons in our class started calling me Freak. I know reporting to teacher only causes the persons to tease me more so i just kept telling to them i am not a freak but one day one of the person who kept constantly teased me did an thing which shocked me. he messaged his friend who is from another section and asked him whether i was a freak or not and send that screenshot to me.

then i decided not to trust anyone so i stayed lonely.  we used to have shuffling all the students in different sections will be shuffled into different sections. i got section B. i  entered the class lately our class teacher already started the class. then he allotted places for the students. i personally asked him i wanted a place near his table and he gave me the place i wanted. since i was lonely at that time me and class teacher used to have chats. after few months our class teacher changed places he gave my usual place but next to me an different boy sat. his name started with Y. soon we became best friends he knew who i was what people used to tell about me but he still stayed as a friend to me. he was my only best friend to me but to him i'm one of many friends. he taught to be a normal person [ before i used to speak to myself to remind myself that i wasn't lonely i had myself as company.]he taught me how have friendship with others, he taught me to have peace with everyone. then i made friends with a few people. I'm grateful to him for that.

i had a very peculiar dream featuring me and my friend Y

[warning: this dream does not have any logic at all]

we are sitting on the bench i was keeping my hand on my eye which was bleeding a lot [ because i was again punched by mother in my eye] but no one cared about me. in front of us was a slide in which on one end all the girls were sitting and all the boys were playing tag around the slide. a person was chasing with sand in his hand he threw at his friend which he missed but the dust in the sand caught on one of the teachers. that teacher is a grumpy one but she smiled which was a relief then she took a big rock and threw at the girls!!

when she was raising the rocks all the girls started running away but unfortunately the rock hit one of the girls whom we knew her name started with R. the rock hit her on the foot and her foot was very horrible to see. all the boys and girls took her to hospital. the girls were pushing her on a stretcher and all the boys ran behind them which included us. then the stretcher quickly turned into rocket fixed stretcher and zoomed away. we too were zooming behind that stretcher to save her. then the fuel in rockets of both stretcher touched empty but the stretcher still was moving fast but i don't know what happened to our stretcher  we were still running behind that one. soon the stretcher crossed a passage which had left and right turn her stretcher went straight when we were about to cross that passage we heard train horn we turn our heads right to see what it was. it was a train which hit us in super speed!!

[I told you this dream doesn't contain logic and it's a dream so imagination can work in many ways] 

Anyway when i woke up i saw my friend who was totally covered in plaster in which he almost looked like an mummy and i only received treatment for my eye. and R had her foot covered in plaster. i remembered how he got severely injured the train his us in right side my friend was running beside me which was in right side. 😂

thank you and peace.
