Life of Mr. #7 Stranger things and Unknown time

 Stranger things and Unknown time 

I had a stranger experience yesterday 

I was playing road rash peacefully when HE ( brother) came inside and asked me "Don't you have to be writing blog or something? " I replied I wrote.

after I said he gave a strange proposal  he asked me whether I can join our blog. Absolutely NO! . 

I don't want that idiot in here I don't want to see anything which he posts. But I didn't rejected because of that I had other reasons too.  

  • He doesn't know English perfectly 
  • He doesn't know what to post
  • I don't what  him to read "Life of Mr #4" 

Among all he will take over it though brute force. I am happy to reject that but it was strange. Didn't thought he will ask me. 

I have an unknown thing which stayed with me for years 

When I'm dreaming something flashes in my mind for a few minutes. It can be dream or something which will happen in near future. I had a Flash of climbing a cupboard after a few days I remembered that Flash after I was on top of the cupboard. It just flashes like that it happens only when I'm daydreaming of dreaming. I usually have those about swing some movies and other stuff. But I had a glimpse of something Strange. Something bad was about to happen that my mind is sure of. 

Our school admission starts on 25th. So I'm fearing it may come true. 

I hope everything goes well. 

Thank you and peace 

