"Family origins" last Life of Mr.

 my last life of Mr.

so we have been issued new projects to work and by that i'm stopping the "Life of Mr." so i asked in riniep to write one last post. 

in this post i'll be writing my family origins.

my family's origins started from here in India. in the second LOMR i have mentioned father is from sri lanka but the father's family settled there 5 generations above. my ancestor[5th grandfather] whose father worked in the Mysore palace. his father is a very short-tempered person. he gave his son some work and told "if you don't finish this work, i will kill you" my ancestor didn't finish the work. it was evening his father will come his father was a short tempered person he will do what he said. his mother panicked. she gave some money to his son[the ancestor] and sent him away to go somewhere and live. he settled in sri lanka then his their family stayed there until my grandfather who migrated to India before the civil war begun in sri lanka ["he just predicted it and it happened" this is what my father said when i asked.] 

now my mother's family side.

their's origins are too......ancient. you see when a king captures another state or kingdom someone working for the king or citizen's will stay in the captured kingdom. that's exactly what happened. my mother's family originated from andra side area. mother's family work is pot making. so they were potters. 

the origins of family are too important because that identify who you are and what your origins are. if we go to someone and ask them some say Indian or their name. it is great to know your family's history. we who live in 20th century are totally into tech and modern things but are missing the important part of our own family. you don't need to love your family history you only need to remember it. just try it's like hearing story. knowing your family history is a damn cool thing. ask your classmates who know their family history. your find others story interesting. i know mine because i love old type things but i use modern things too. it's a shame not knowing your own family history. 

by the way it's my last life of Mr. so thank you for reading no matter how worst it was. and thank you spidey for supporting this.

thank you and peace 

good bye.
