Life of Mr #11 the rich type life.

 Life of Mr

Variation 2 :  the rich type life.  

It's past 8:30am. I should be present at 9am I tell my Butler to prep the chopper I'll be going to school by helicopter and be present after 9. But the school doesn't care about it because I'm super rich. I'll be studying in a school personally made for rich children. Everyone will behave elegant and super rich-y. Some girls will be arrogant and some will be how a perfect girl to be trained by persons at home. Then after school I'll ask my friends to come over at evening for a sleepover. They will arrive at evening at my private island we will have fun then have dinner at the island. Then we will head over to my estate at the island and watch movies at my room with everyone at my double king size bed. Then at morning again at 8:30 we all together will go to school with our Butler carrying all the necessary things we missed at my home. 


But the problem with being super rich is that you cannot find a true friend or a girlfriend. Your chances are 1% as compared in finding gold digger type friend or girlfriend which are 99% but some persons beat the odds and find true friends. 

" one who possesses a true friend 
  Finds a treasure."

Besides it would be nice to have something's in that rich person's life. But but for a middle class dude it is impossible to have rich lifestyle but can find true friend that's sure. 

Thank you and peace 
