Life of Mr # 9 Time pass Invention

 Time pass Invention 

I know I've been writing some crappy LOMR's because I have run out of content and I became bored. But today I have a content which is interesting to me I hope you find it interesting. 

I was just watching TV with family after eating breakfast. We started watching a video in which a person just assembled a bicycle I don't know why but I find that video interesting and nice. Later then I found that my grandfather owned a bicycle shop in my town. 

To understand please read life of Mr #2

Then it hit me if one of us ( me and HIM) carried this cycle business this will be a "heredity business"

I'll explain what is heredity business. Think about your grandfather running a cycle shop or whatever business which comes to your mind. He handovers his business to his son. His son will learn all about bicycles and he takes and runs the business expanding the business in his time. Now when your father hands over the business to "YOU" whom you are the third generation to uphold the family's bicycle business. It becomes a generation business or heredity business. 

The first generation ↔↔↔↔↔(passing the business to his son) second generation ↔↔↔↔↔third generation

To be simply saying the ownership is passed to his heir and so on. 

But unfortunately my father became MRO (Marine radio officer)  but the good thing in it is he knows how things are done and the process. I was too bored so I decided to make a bicycle. 

So we need materials to start I took a grand tour around the house and found we don't have enough metal. But excess plastic so I thought why not make a cycle out of PVC pipes. Actually that's what I did but in a miniature version about my arm size you too can make a miniature size PVC cycle. The only materials needed are : 

A lot of 1 inch PVC pipes 
Four 30cm 3/4 inch PVC pipes 
Anabond (or superglue) 
A bucket full of normal fevicol
A metal file with one side curved and another side flat. 
Screws if necessary 
Two paint bucket cover (if you need tyres)

And most of all heavy load of patience. 

I'm too lazy to write the whole process so I'll just put the picture how I did mine. Everyone has brains but one some use them to make these kind of thing.

Now these things are very fragile to make so be careful in case you have an idea of making 

Thank you and peace 


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